We would love to hear from you...

If you would like to find out about what we're doing, where we are planning to open new venues, any special events we have coming up, or just want to talk to us about dance, please drop us a line using the form below, or email us directly at the address below.

Direct email address: graham@tangosynthesis.dance

Telephone (although email is likely to be more successful): 07532 183905

Please note...

Some email systems and filters are incorrectly identifying graham@tangosynthesis.dance as spam or junk mail, so if you don't get a reply to your message, please check your junk mail folder. You can also add our email address to your contacts or 'whitelist' which will help it get through to your inbox.

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Copyright © Jivebeat Dance and inVision multimedia ltd 2018-2021 · All Rights Reserved
